The U.S. District Court has amended its policy for wearing face masks inside the courthouse. A related administrative order is available here.
News & Announcements
Check this page, or the News and Announcements box on the homepage, for the latest official news and announcements released by the court. You can also access archived news and announcements from this page.
Congress has authorized the use of video and telephone conferencing for criminal events during the COVID-19 emergency. A related order of the U.S. District Court is available...
Congress has authorized the use of video and telephone conferencing for criminal events during the COVID-19 emergency. A related order of the U.S. District Court is available here.
Because of the high rate of COVID-19 infection in Dane County and in the district, generally, the District Court has suspended civil and criminal jury trials through January 31, 2021. The court will continue operations, but the federal courthouse...
The Clerk's Office is closed to the general public. Visitors may file documents by using the drop-box in the courthouse lobby. Credit card payments may be made over the phone (608-264-5156) or online at...
The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin has temporarily canceled all CVB hearings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. CVB hearings wil be rescheduled when the courthouse resumes normal operations. The Central Violations Bureau...
To limit the spread of coronavirus, the court orders that everyone entering the courthouse must wear masks or suitable facial coverings in all public areas of the courthouse. A related administrative order is available...
An updated statement...
Effective May 15, 2019, attorneys can open their own civil cases in the Western District of Wisconsin at any time without first contacting the clerk's office. More information about this option can be found...
Chief Judge Peterson has issued an administrative order appointing Federal Defender Services of Wisconsin, Inc. to advise individuals convicted in this district of their eligibility for relief under the First Step Act and, where appropriate, to...