Judge-Specific Procedures


In each civil case, after a responsive pleading has been filed, Magistrate Judge Boor will hold a preliminary pretrial conference. In counseled cases, the parties should complete a report and file it prior to the conference:

Standing Order for Preliminary Pretrial Conferences with Magistrate Judge Anita M. Boor

After the conference, Magistrate Judge Boor will issue a Preliminary Pretrial Conference Order. Each order will contain the standard attachments for the presiding judge, including procedures on motions for summary judgment, guidance to pro se litigants, and trial procedures. Those attachments can also be found here:

Attachments to the Pretrial Conference Order in Cases Assigned to Judge Peterson

Attachments to the Pretrial Conference Order in Cases Assigned to Judge Conley

Attachments to the Pretrial Conference Order in Cases Assigned to Magistrate Judge Boor